Visual English 4
Unit 14 What can you do?


🏃‍♂️ This ESL module introduces students to a variety of actions, from hopping to screaming. Using fun verbs and simple sentences, students learn to describe physical activities and respond to questions about their abilities and preferences, boosting English language skills while staying active! 🌟


SKU: visualenglish4unit14 Category:


This unit not only teaches about various physical actions but also helps students express capabilities, preferences, and emotional states, making it a lively and engaging part of their English learning journey. Ready to jump into action and speak up? Let’s get active with English! 🌟

Physical Actions:
🦘 Hop – Hopping: “Can you hop on one foot?” Learn how to express ability and discuss animals that hop.
🍃 Swing – Swinging: “Do you like swinging on a swing?” Explore playground activities and motions.
🏀 Bounce – Bouncing: Discuss bouncing balls and jumping on trampolines.
Hit – Hitting: “Can you hit a ball?” Talk about playing sports like baseball or tennis.
🥅 Kick – Kicking: “Do you like kicking a ball?” Dive into soccer and other kicking games.
🧘 Stretch – Stretching: “Do you like stretching in the morning?” Explore stretching routines.
🏋️ Bend – Bending: “Can you bend your knees?” Discuss flexibility and different bending actions.
👀 Blink – Blinking: “Can you blink very fast?” Learn about natural eye movements.
👏 Clap – Clapping: “Can you clap your hands?” Explore sounds and rhythms made with hands.
🐘 Stomp – Stomping: “Do you like stomping your legs in the rain?” Discuss expressing feelings through stomping.
😞 Sulk – Sulking: “Do you sulk when you are angry?” Talk about how body language shows mood.
😱 Scream – Screaming: “Can you scream?” Discuss appropriate times and places to scream.

Engaging ESL Conversations:
Role Plays: Simulate scenarios like playing on a playground, participating in a sports day, or expressing feelings through actions.
Discussion Questions: What actions do you enjoy doing? Are there actions that you find difficult?
Vocabulary Games: “Action Charades” where students act out verbs for classmates to guess, or “Verb Race” where they compete to say actions quickly.
Fun Activities:
Create an Action Storybook: Students write a short story using the verbs learned.
Action Photography: Take photos or draw pictures of each other performing different actions.
Action Song: Create a simple song or chant incorporating the action verbs.